Before You Apply:

There are three steps to applying for The Great Burlesque Exposition:

  • Creating Your Submission You can create as many different act submissions as you want.  Our system allows you to save one or more as drafts and come back to them.
    • Video: A lot of yu have gotten really good at creating some amazing cinematography with scene changes, dissolves and tight close-ups, and all sorts of amazing special effects.  Please don't send us those videos.  We want to see what the act is going to look like on stage.  We'd rather see cellphone video shot in your living room than an MTV-worthy music video.
  • Paying Your Application Fee(s) Application fees can be paid before or at the same time you submit.  If you pay it before you submit, when you do get around to submitting your act, it'll be applied automatically.  Application fees are "Pay-What-You-Can" with a minimum of $5.00
    • Note each act needs a separate application fee.  If you want to submit two acts and pay $10 for each act, don't pay $20 for your application fee. The system will think you're paying $20 for one act.  You need to pay each application fee separately.   
  • Submitting Your Act Acts have to be submitted by June 15.  The advantage of our creation system is that you can save a draft and come back to it later.  The disadvantage is that you need to tell the system when you're ready to submit.  Just because you've filled out an application and paid a fee, doesn't mean you've submitted the act.  Don't forget the last, most important step and make sure the act is submitted. You can check the status of any submission in your dashboard.
  • Afterwards You'll get an on-screen notification and an email saying your act has been submitted.  You can also always check the status of your act in your dashboard.  It can take up to 30 minutes for the submission to be reflected in your dashboard, so give it a little time.

If it helps, think of it like sending a letter through the post office.  The first step is you write the letter, maybe you re-write a couple of times, maybe you let it sit on your desk for a little while until you're 100% certain you want to send it.  On our site, you can create your Act Application and save it to come back and edit later.  Then you need to buy a stamp – that's your application fee.  You can't mail a letter without a stamp, and you can't submit an act without an application fee.  You can write multiple letters (you can create several applications for different acts) but you're going to need a stamp (application fee) for each one you want to send.  Last, once you've put the stamp on the letter, you have to mail it; it doesn't mail itself automatically.  So once you've finalized your act (on our site), and paid your application fee, you still need to click the submit button to send the application in.


The Bridge at 211 is made up of two buildings, the first built in 1808, that were combined into a single building around 1900.  It is on the National Register of Historic Places, which makes modifying it in any way extremely difficult.  The 210-year old buildings can prove challenging to folks who have difficulty navigating stairs.  There is street level access to two of the three levels:

  • The Lower Level houses the vendors, one of the classrooms, and The Bordello (the later Friday night show) and can be accessed through a door from Bridge St.
  • The First Floor houses the Museum, two more classrooms, and Registration.  It can be accessed from a street level entrance on Ash St.  
  • The Upper Level is where the theatre is.  There is no ramp or elevator.  To get to the theatre is a walk of about 30 stairs.  To get onto the stage is approximately six stairs.  The theatre will house The Rhinestone Revue (Friday night) The Main Event (Saturday), and The Sunday Showcase.  

You know your mobility issues better than we do.  If you find stairs challenging, please apply to perform in The Bordello and make a note as to why you are chosing that show in your application.  

Ready to Apply?